Registation ID: SÚCHNO:35351/98/00
Skúšky: SchH3, IPO3,
Exhibition: VD
Bonitation: 5V5/55 N
I. Generation |
II. Generation |
III. Generation |
Nick v. HeiligenböschDate of born: 04.10.1994 Registation ID: SZ 1911480 Skúšky: IPO3, SchH3, KŐRKL 1 Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP 1997 - 4 |
Half vom RuchbachtalRegistation ID: SZ 1773244 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, FH, SchH3 Exhibition: VD RTG: a-normal BSP-1997 |
Timmy v.d. bösen NachbarschaftRegistation ID: SZ 1688830 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 FH, SchH3 Exhibition: VD BSP-1989 |
Orlie v. KörbalbachSkúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3 Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal |
Ina vom Haus GardRegistation ID: SZ 1830399 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, SchH1 Exhibition: D RTG: a-normal |
Arek v. StoffelblickSkúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3 Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP-1989-5. miest |
Fricka v BärenfangExhibition: VD RTG: b-fast normal |
Loggi v.d. MaineicheDate of born: 09.09.1995 Registation ID: SZ 1940155 Skúšky: IPO2 Exhibition: D RTG: a-fast normal |
Yoschy v.d. DöllenwieseDate of born: 11.08.1991 Registation ID: SZ 1823741 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3, Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP-1994 |
Dasti von der MaineicheDate of born: 17.09.1990 Registation ID: SZ 1785200 Skúšky: SchH 3 Exhibition: D RTG: a-normal |
Ulrike EqidiusDate of born: 07.12.2002 Registation ID: Suchno:44432 Skúšky: SVV1 Exhibition: VD Bonitation: 5V5/ RTG: a-normal |
Eli Va-PeDate of born: 30.07.2003 Registation ID: 46168 Skúšky: SVV 1 Exhibition: G Bonitation: Körkl. RTG: A |