Date of born: 13.01.2004
Registation ID: suchno 47116
Skúšky: SVV/1, SVV2
Exhibition: VD
Bonitation: 5DV5/4,
RTG: normal
I. Generation |
II. Generation |
III. Generation |
Nash vom Lisdorferland![]() Date of born: 20.09.2000 Registation ID: 2073276 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 Exhibition: VD BSP 2003, LGA WÜTTEMBERG A:99 B:87 C:97 Platz: 3 |
Aly am Brenkelberg![]() Date of born: 16.07.1995 Registation ID: 1934145 Skúšky: SchH 1 RTG: fast normal |
Champ vom BärenfangDate of born: 07.04.1991 Registation ID: 1808082 Skúšky: IPO 3, SchH 3, SPH, SPH 1, VH 3 RTG: a-normal |
Ginga von der KarlsbergquelleDate of born: 18.01.1992 Registation ID: 1824966 Skúšky: SchH 3 RTG: a-normal |
Zena vom LisdorferlandDate of born: 17.08.1997 Registation ID: 1998171 Skúšky: FH 1, SchH 3 RTG: a-normal |
Aly v. Vordersteinwald![]() Registation ID: SZ 1835254 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3, FH Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP 1997 |
Aster vom LisdorferlandDate of born: 01.03.1993 Registation ID: 1861851 Skúšky: SchH 1 RTG: a-normal |
Niké Egidius![]() Skúšky: SchH3, IPO3 Exhibition: V Bonitation: 5JV5/5, RTG: a-normal víťazka Medzinárdného zvodu plemenných psov a súk Bratislava 2002 Videos: |
Aly v. Vordersteinwald![]() Registation ID: SZ 1835254 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3, FH Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP 1997 |
Troll v. der bösen Nachbarshaft![]() Registation ID: SZ 1688832 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, SchH.3 Exhibition: VD RTG: a-normal BSP 1990, 1991, 1992 |
Afra v. Haus Feller![]() Registation ID: SZ 1722987 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, SchH 2 Exhibition: VD RTG: a-normal |
Arne Egidius![]() Registation ID: SÚCHNO 21260 Exhibition: D Bonitation: 5CKU5/5,5 RTG: a-normal 2x účastník Majstrovstiev Slovenska |
Bob z Kostolianskej cesty![]() Registation ID: SKSP 60518 Skúšky: SVV2, IPO2 Exhibition: VD Bonitation: 5CFLV5/5,5 RTG: b-fast normal Účastníčka Majstrovstiev Slovenska |
Ida Egidius![]() Registation ID: SKSP 40136 Skúšky: SVV1 Exhibition: VD Bonitation: T:5CKX3/44 |