Eqidius - Kennel of German Shepherds

Kessy v.Linderhof

Date of born: 11.11.2004

Registation ID: SZ 2177184

Skúšky: SchH 3,

Exhibition: G

Bonitation: Körkl.

RTG: normal

I. Generation

II. Generation

III. Generation

Darius Molinari

Date of born: 21.10.2001

Registation ID: MNJK 20876

Skúšky: SchH 3, VK 3

Aika v.d. bösen Hexen

Date of born: 25.11.1998

Registation ID: SZ 2034183

Skúšky: SchH 1

Bonitation: Körkl.

RTG: normal

Herkules v.d. Agnesburg

Aiko Canil Dharma Kokx

Aiko Canil Dharma Kokx

Date of born: 04.02.2007

Registation ID: SZ 2195082

Skúšky: SchH 3,IPO 3, BSP

Exhibition: V

Bonitation: Körkl.