Date of born: 11.05.2002
Registation ID: 42872
Skúšky: SChH 1
Exhibition: D
Bonitation: 5V1/P-2
I. Generation |
II. Generation |
III. Generation |
Nick v. HeiligenböschDate of born: 04.10.1994 Registation ID: SZ 1911480 Skúšky: IPO3, SchH3, KŐRKL 1 Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP 1997 - 4 |
Half vom RuchbachtalRegistation ID: SZ 1773244 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, FH, SchH3 Exhibition: VD RTG: a-normal BSP-1997 |
Timmy v.d. bösen NachbarschaftRegistation ID: SZ 1688830 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 FH, SchH3 Exhibition: VD BSP-1989 |
Orlie v. KörbalbachSkúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3 Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal |
Ina vom Haus GardRegistation ID: SZ 1830399 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, SchH1 Exhibition: D RTG: a-normal |
Arek v. StoffelblickSkúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3 Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP-1989-5. miest |
Fricka v BärenfangExhibition: VD RTG: b-fast normal |
Niké Egidius![]() Skúšky: SchH3, IPO3 Exhibition: V Bonitation: 5JV5/5, RTG: a-normal víťazka Medzinárdného zvodu plemenných psov a súk Bratislava 2002 Videos: |
Aly v. Vordersteinwald![]() Registation ID: SZ 1835254 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1 SchH3, FH Exhibition: V RTG: a-normal BSP 1997 |
Troll v. der bösen Nachbarshaft![]() Registation ID: SZ 1688832 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, SchH.3 Exhibition: VD RTG: a-normal BSP 1990, 1991, 1992 |
Afra v. Haus Feller![]() Registation ID: SZ 1722987 Skúšky: KŐRKL 1, SchH 2 Exhibition: VD RTG: a-normal |
Arne Egidius![]() Registation ID: SÚCHNO 21260 Exhibition: D Bonitation: 5CKU5/5,5 RTG: a-normal 2x účastník Majstrovstiev Slovenska |
Bob z Kostolianskej cesty![]() Registation ID: SKSP 60518 Skúšky: SVV2, IPO2 Exhibition: VD Bonitation: 5CFLV5/5,5 RTG: b-fast normal Účastníčka Majstrovstiev Slovenska |
Ida Egidius![]() Registation ID: SKSP 40136 Skúšky: SVV1 Exhibition: VD Bonitation: T:5CKX3/44 |
![]() |
Bora Excalibur EuropaDate of born: 31.12.2005 Registation ID: 59152 Skúšky: IPO 2 Exhibition: SG RTG: HD-ED- normal |